All WHS Juniors will be taking the ASVAB Career Exploration test in the theater tomorrow, Wednesday-December 4th starting at 8:30. Let’s see what the Class of 2021 wants to do next!
about 5 years ago, Bridget Lindner
Career Exploration Test
Tis the Season! Warroad Choir members helped lead a Carol sing at the Tree Lighting in Warroad tonight.
about 5 years ago, Dr. Shawn W. Yates
A second district curriculum committee overview meeting will be held on December 10th at 6:30pm in the district conference room. The district would like to invite all who are intersted in being apart of the learning resource selection process to come find out more!
about 5 years ago, Nichole Abernathy
Time for some Home Girls Hockey in Warroad. Go Warriors!
about 5 years ago, Dr. Shawn W. Yates
girls hockey huddle
face off
girls hockey line
Getting the season kicked off with a Lego League Scrimmage in Warroad on Saturday. Great job teams!
about 5 years ago, Dr. Shawn W. Yates
lego league
lego league presenting
lego league tables
Getting the season kicked off with a Lego League Scrimmage in Warroad on Saturday. Great job teams!
about 5 years ago, Dr. Shawn W. Yates
lego league
lego league tables
lego league presenting
Football Wrap-Up for grades 7-12 will be in the theater on Monday, Nov. 25th at 7:30 pm
about 5 years ago, Melanie Schreiner
Girls Basketball will be leaving today at 2:15 pm. The girls will be dismissed at 2:00 pm. This is earlier than originally scheduled. GO WARRIORS!
about 5 years ago, Melanie Schreiner
girls basketball
Warroad students got to experience the Canadian Museum of Human Rights and the Moscow Ballet production of The Nutcracker in Winnipeg this week. A great time had by all!
about 5 years ago, Dr. Shawn W. Yates
Canadian Museum of Human Rights
Moscow Ballet
Students at museum
Stud. Co. is going to be doing a staff vs. student food drive competition. Our goal will be to kick Dr. Yates out of his office. The students' goal is to kick out Mr. Abernathy. If they succeed before us, or have more food than us, then they will be picking 6 teachers to throw a pie at. IF we succeed, we will be picking 6 (one from each grade level) students to throw a pie at. This is just supposed to be fun. If you do NOT want to be in the running for being pied in the face... please let me know.
about 5 years ago, Melanie Schreiner
food drive
Congratulations Grant on signing your National Letter of Intent to Northern Michigan!
about 5 years ago, Dennis Abernathy
Grant Signing!
Congratulations Hannah! We are so proud of you!
about 5 years ago, Melanie Schreiner
Hannah C letter of intent
This morning Hannah Corneliusen signed her Letter of Intent to play at Merrimack College next year. Congratulations to Hannah!
about 5 years ago, Kjersti Fried
Hannah's teammates
Hannah and coaches
Hannah signs as her parents look on
Reminder: No School Monday Nov. 11th
over 5 years ago, Melanie Schreiner
No School Monday
Honor band students on break before the concert tonight. Waiting for pizza and solving Rubik’s cubes
over 5 years ago, Kjersti Fried
Waiting for pizza
Warroad students were treated to a lunchtime performance from Dr. Nicholas Susi today for Classical Commons. Come hear more tonight at 7:00 in the Warroad School Theater!
over 5 years ago, Dr. Shawn W. Yates
Dr. Susi performance advertisement
Dr. Susi performs
Dr. Susi and students
Friday, November 8th is the last day to register for the December ACT scheduled for December 14th at Warroad High School. Juniors and Seniors register at Please see Mrs. Lindner with questions!
over 5 years ago, Bridget Lindner
ACT information
Congratulations to Jerrica Johnston on her award winning essay for the MN Manufacturers Association. Great job presenting today!
over 5 years ago, Dr. Shawn W. Yates
Jerrica Johnston
Essay winners 2019
Geometry, Problem Solving, and 8th Grade Math students worked hard completing Breakout Sessions today!
over 5 years ago, Nichole Abernathy
Breakout session group in chair group
Breakout session group standing with timer
Breakout session group at table
Breakout session students using their resources
Picture Retakes are Tues. Nov. 5th: 9:00-9:30 Elementary Students 9:30-10:00 High School Students For retakes...bring your picture packet along with the $5 retake fee. A new photo will be taken and the package will be reprinted.
over 5 years ago, Melanie Schreiner
retake day