Wear BLUE tomorrow!
A Message from the Post Prom Planning Committee:
WHS Prom will be held Saturday May 11th. This is a time for the Junior and Senior students to celebrate the culmination of the school year. Following the dance, the Post Prom Parent Committee is working to provide an event providing students with a fun, safe and alcohol-free evening. This will be held at the Gardens Arena Sunday morning 12a-3a. Chaperoned games, activities and food will be provided.
If you would like to contribute toward this event: please drop off your donation at Warroad High School or Security State Bank, mail to PO Box 70 Warroad MN 56763 or use the QR Code below:
Get registered on Warroad Payments: http://warroadpayments.registryinsight.com/
The Warroad chapter of Minnesota Honor Society is hosting a blood drive tomorrow in the school theater. We still have a few remaining slots for donors. Please consider signing up via this link: https://donors.vitalant.org/dwp/portal/dwa/appointment/guest/phl/timeSlotsExtr?token=G1JwxJUnwypM7pqGRcqpMq9mkMQ5cclJVgPcpn%2Fi7XM%3D
Junior High Marching Band Fundraiser
Summer baseball/T-Ball and softball registration closes today!
Please register at warroadpayments.com. Registration will close at midnight tonight.
Teams and schedules will be announced next week.
If you are interested in coaching, please email Mark Chamernick at mark_chamernick@warroadschools.org
Please note the change of location to the Warrior Café:
Junior and Senior Class Parents- There will be a Post Prom Planning meeting on Monday, April 22nd at 6:30 pm in the Warrior Café . See you there. Melanie
The Native American Education Program, at Warroad Public Schools, would like to thank Mr. Jay Hardwick and Warroad Boys Hockey for their amazing donation to our program.
The team efforts, collaboration, and community support has been amazing, and helps contribute to student success and building cultural awareness at WPS. Miigwetch. Thank you!
Please take the time to pick up a resource folder, provided by the Native American Education Department, folders will be available during Parent Teacher Conferences - Wednesday, April 17, 2024.
Warroad Public Schools have Parent - Teacher Conferences this week.
Early Learners' Center & Elementary: April 17th & April 18th 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
High School: April 17th 3:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Take a peek at the Book Giveaway hosted by the Elementary Media Center!
Warroad's Early Childhood Family Education educators enjoyed sharing information about ECFE at today's Community Baby Shower sponsored by LifeCare Medical Center.
JR High Students....
Mark your Calendars:
April 26th
See you there!!
Our WHS StuCo has a very successful state conference.
Katherine Schreiner won the MASC Officer of the Year Award for 2024!!!!!!!
Our Student School Board Representatives and Executive Committee won the 2024 Innovator Award!!!!
WHS Parent Teacher Conferences will be this Wednesday, April 17th from 3:30-7:30 pm.
Congratulations to Logan Kvarnlov for being awarded the National Minnesota Football Honors Scholar Athlete Scholarship Award. This is the first time this has been awarded to a Warroad Student Athlete! The award show will air at the end of July on Bally Sports. 🏈🖤💛
Argh you ready for the High School Book Fair? It starts today! We will be open all week from 7:30 AM until 3:30 PM. On Wednesday, we will remain open until 6:30 PM for Conferences. We accept cards as payment, so don't worry about carrying cash. Come and join us for an adventure where books are the real treasure.
Congratulations to our Knowledge Bowl team!! They placed 4th in the Class A Division at State!!!
Pictured (L to R): David Hruby, Taylor Halverson, Brady Hodgson, Simon Anderson and Coach Hannah Carlson
State MCA testing will officially begin next week with the MCA Reading test for students in grades 3-8 and grade 10. Attached is reminder of the letter that was shared with families via Schoology last month, as well as a few key reminders in preparing for testing. Please help your high schooler remember to charge their Chromebook!
Members of the school board and administration went up to the Angle School tonight for a listening session. We couldnt help but take a photo before leaving!
Reminder that Firearm Safety Class starts soon!
Dates: April 23rd, April 25th, April 30th and May 2nd at 6pm-9pm in the HS Theater. Field Day is on May 4th. Must be at least 11 years old to take the class.
Registration is on Warroad Payments: http://warroadpayments.registryinsight.com/
Community Ed- Firearm Safety