Homecoming Royalty Court 2023-204
Coronation will be Friday, Sept. 22nd during half time of the football game.
Homecoming Week is Sept. 18th-Sept 23rd
Show your Warrior Pride and join in the fun!
Order your Homecoming shirts here:
*Please note there are dress up days for High School & Elementary. Check the top left to make sure you are looking at the right school. **
Warroad Elementary students enjoyed pepfest activities including a teachers vs. students scooter race today! School spirit assembly expectations were reviewed as students celebrated the Warrior Way - Responsible, Respectful, Safe!
Please complete the Ala Carte Charges through Lunch Accounts Survey from Heather Hess, Food Service Director.
September is Suicide Prevention Month — a time to raise awareness and discuss this highly stigmatized topic. In addition to shifting public perception, this month is used to spread hope and vital information to people affected by suicide.
Getting ready for tonight's volleyball matchup with KCC!!
Go Warriors!!!
2023-2024 ISD 690 Covid Plan
Second home volleyball game tonight vs LOW. Can't see our student section but you can hear them!! Go Warriors!
Fun Shinny Hockey 🏒
The Warriors continue on with their Fall Sports season, offering plenty of opportunities to cheer them on this week! Students in grades 3-6 can even join in for a Fun Run before Monday’s Cross Country meet! Folk School Warroad has another class offering this Tuesday, there is a guest speaker in Roseau on Thursday, and a handgun shoot at WLRSC on Saturday! Continue reading to see what else is going on this week in Warroad.
The School Dismissal Manager is now LIVE, please log in and set your childs daily default for their end of the day dismissal.
Welcome Back to the 23-24 School Year!
Our School Dismissal Manager just went LIVE! You should receive an email from them within the next hour with you log in information and credentials. Make sure to check your spam and junk folders if you do not receive the email. If you do not receive an email there is a "REGISTER NOW" link in the parent login area, you can change your password and set up your account there.
Please get your student(S) daily dismissal set so we know where they go on a daily basis. Thank you and Have a great weekend!!!
Warroad Public Schools conducts annual drills to help us prepare in the event of an emergency. On Thursday, September 7th, students and staff will participate in an all school lockdown and full evacuation drill. Emergency drills are a proactive step ensuring the safety and security for all within the District.
September is here and the school year is starting back up with the first day of school on Tuesday and fall sports in full swing! You can look forward to the weekend with an ATV Fun Run, Walk to Remember, Ducks Unlimited Banquet, and the Country Corn Maze to enjoy! See what else we have going on, this week in Warroad!
Welcome Back to School! Families are reminded to review the 23-24 Drop-Off/Pick-Up procedures. Please contact Warroad Public Schools' Transportation Department for busing information or use the Early Learners' Center and High School main entrances for Drop-Off/Pick-Up.
Warroad Public Schools are ready to welcome students to school on Tuesday, September 5, 2023!
Happy Friday! This afternoon, our football team takes on the Crusaders of St. Cloud Cathedral at 2pm. If you cannot make it, the game will be livestreamed on our NFHS network:
Also, the game will be on KQ92 with the legendary Jon Michael.
Thank you and GO Warriors!
Camp Hope and Grief Support
Tonight we kick off the first home games of the fall sports season with Girls Volleyball vs Northern Freeze! If you can't make it in person, you can catch all of the action live on the NFHS Network. All JH/JV and Varsity Games will be streamed!
Just a reminder - Chromebook check-out for grades 6-12 is still going on today until noon! We still have many devices looking for their home!