Warroad Schools has been awarded a grant from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety which will allow us to outfit 15 of our school buses with stop arm cameras. These cameras will be invaluable tools for law enforcement to help catch drivers who ignore the law and put our children's safety at risk. Since 2019, the Warroad Police Department alone has issued 23 stop arm tickets. With these cameras installed, we hope that this number will go down however, those who break the law will be caught. A link to the full press release is below.
Tailgate with Hunter Pinke!
Monday, May 15th Activities at WHS
Senior Music Recital
in the HS Theater
**Please park on the south side of the building, near the arena.**
ECFE Truck Night
5:30-7 pm
at the WHS Parking Lot
Summer Baseball information:
Jr Legion (15 years olds) and Legion (15-18 year olds) baseball will be ran by the Warroad Legion. Practices will start after the school year and games will be in the evening. No fee at this time. For more information, contact Brandon Barker at brandon_barker@warroad.k12.mn.us
Due to high demand, we will be OPENING SUMMER SOFTBALL and BASEBALL REGISTRATION for a limited time only!! Today, Monday May 1st, 2023, registration will be OPEN from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
This is your FINAL chance to sign-up for Summer Ball.
Summer baseball and softball registration closes today. If you have not signed up, please go to www.warroadpayments.com
Junior Legion and Legion team information will come out next week.
Warroad High School
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Wed. April 25th
3:30-7:30 pm
Summer softball and baseball registration closes on Friday. If you have not signed up your son or daughter, please go to www.warroadpayments.com
One of our students, Taylor Halverson is having a fundraiser for her Community Service and Leadership class. All donations will go to The Grace House- a homeless shelter.
The annual spring Book Fair at Warroad Elementary begins today! Book Fair hours are 7:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday, April 24th - April 27th. The Elementary will have extended hours until 6:30 p.m. during Parent-Teacher Conferences on Tuesday & Wednesday.
Due to inclement weather, WPS will operate under a 2 hour delay today Friday, April 21st. No morning Kid Kare, no ECFE, and breakfast will not be served.
If you are interested in watching any of the Robotics Live Stream, FRED team is competing in the Daly division.
Here are the teams in the Daly division: https://www.thebluealliance.com/event/2023dal#teams
Here is the tentative schedule for Thursday and Friday:
Go 2883 . . . team FRED!
Warroad vs. Roseau now streaming live on NFHS Network!
Join us for the Early Childhood Family Education Community Baby Shower! The Early Learners' Center Sunroom is buzzing with excitement! Refreshments, prize drawings, and booths are open now until 7 p.m. this evening.
We're excited to share that all home baseball and softball games, and select away games, will be streamed live on the NFHS Network! If you haven't already signed up, click on this link. A portion of every subscription is given back to the school!
Get registered today!
Remember to get signed up for firearm safety! Class dates are: April 18th, 20th, 25th, and 27th at 6pm-9pm in the theater and April 29th for field day. Must be 11 years or older to take the class.
The softball team will have their first game of the season tomorrow, April 11th in Greenbush. The JV game will start at 4pm, with JH to follow, and Varsity at 5:30pm. GOOOO WARRIORS!!
Get signed up for the next ATV Training class! If you have any questions, please contact Barb Arveson at 218-689-1011.
Due to the continued snow and number of impassible roads, Thursday, April 6th will be an E-Learning day for all of Warroad Public Schools.
Stay Safe and Have a Happy Easter.