7-12 grade Football and Volleyball start their "practice season" on Monday September 14th. Please register here: https://www.warroadpayments.com/insight/registry/catalog.asp?
Go Warriors!
Tonight's Swim and Dive meet vs The Fosston-Bagley Seals can be seen live on:
Go Warriors!!
A message from Ms. Roth
Happy first day of School!
Chromebook Check out tomorrow, Friday Sept. 3rd from 12-4 pm in the HS Office.
Thank you!
Elem Distance Learners and High School Students.....
One more chance to get your CHROMEBOOK..
Friday, from 12:00-4:00 in HS Commons
An email was sent out Wednesday from School Dismissal Manager. Please log-in and set your student(s) end-of-the day dismissal plans. This will ensure that they are transported to the correct drop off location.
Warroad Elementary learners are invited to take a peek at our school spaces and view orientation information as we prepare for school to begin onTuesday, September 8, 2020!
Volleyball Parent meeting by Zoom
Volleyball Fall Parent Meeting
September 9th at 5:00 pm
Zoom Link
ATTENTION all WHS Volleyball and Football players. If you are new to the district or in 7th, 9th, or 11th grade. We will be doing concussion testing in Mr. Sadlers room September 17th at 5:00 pm.
Reminder to families that due to the Safe Learning Plan, there will not be an Open House in the ELC, Elementary, and High School buildings originally scheduled for September 2nd.
Still need your CHROMEBOOK for the upcoming school year??!!?? You have two more chances if you haven't already been in to pick it up.
Tues, Sept. 1st from 1 -7 pm
Thurs, Sept. 3rd from 12-4 pm
In the HS Commons
Welcome to Warroad Elementary! Homeroom teacher assignments are available today for families to view via Infinite Campus or Schoology!
Families are invited to join the ELC Orientation online meeting on Monday, August 31st, at 5:30 p.m. Use this link to join the meeting: https://bric.zoom.us/j/93272816105
Warroad Elementary is grateful for the gift of African instruments to our music department. These beautiful instruments were delivered by artist in residence Sowah Mensah just in time for the 2020-2021 school year to begin!
CHROMEBOOK CHECK-OUT TODAY, FRIDAY August 28th from 9 am to Noon.
If you haven't gotten yours yet, stop in today to check it out!
Thank you!!
Families are invited to join the Early Learners' Center Orientation online meeting on Friday, August 28th, at 7:30 a.m. Use this link to join the meeting: https://bric.zoom.us/j/94442992113?pwd=cWRFK1UraU5rcVFabHNLeDZ1QjFQQT09
CHROMEBOOK CHECK-OUT TODAY, THURSDAY, AUG. 27th from 1-7 pm and FRIDAY, AUG 28th from 9 am to Noon!
This is for ALL HIGH SCHOOL students and ELEM students doing distance learning.
Thursday, August 27th
7th Grade 6:00 p.m.
8th Grade 7:00 p.m.
Friday, August 28th
Grade 7-12 9 a.m.
(Any student who was unable to attend their assigned session.)
If you haven't reported your learners' plans for this year, please do so as soon as possible using the Learning Program Enrollment Form. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSei3UljV-lXCp85-0udEO4AEshxwUUtNi6P1adptcks5FLbKA/viewform?usp=sf_link
The Elem, HS, and Community Ed. Offices will be closed on Friday, August 21st.
We will be back on Monday, August 24th.
Have a great weekend!