Happening this Wednesday! Get registered now: https://forms.gle/Ubq9bQvMYUzUNS9z6
That's the 3-4 Grade link.
That's the 5-6 Grade link.
American Indian Education hosted their annual Graduate Recognition Banquet to honor the graduating Native seniors through a feast with their close friends and family, gifts of honor, and a drum honor song.
Pictured are Daimon Gardner, Kylie Sinachack, Todd Powassin, Madison Lavergne, Emma Morrison, and Haley Syverson. They are pictured in their gifted blankets of honor and the new Ojibwe floral stoles. Look for these beautiful stoles at the school wide graduation ceremony!
On Wednesday, WHS hosted Brendan Strong of the Red Lake Nation who presented drum teachings and hand drum songs each period to various classes. Brendan is the lead singer of the nationally recognized Little Bear drum and the Cultural Coordinator at Red Lake Boys and Girls Club.
Brendan gave his perspective of living “Mino-bimaadiziwin” or what Ojibwe people refer to as “the good life” which includes his love of teaching youth the cultural ways of the Ojibwe people, marathon running, and his years leading a healthy and sober life.
American Indian Education looks forward to hosting Brendan again in the future for more drum teachings in the elementary and high school!
No JH baseball in East Grand Forks tomorrow. The tourney has been cancelled.
Catch the Sowah Mensah Concert live on the NFHS Network:
Sowah Mensah, ethnomusicologist, composer and a “Master Drummer” from Ghana, West Africa, has spent the week at Warroad Elementary as an Artist-in-Residence. Students will perform pieces at a 1:45 p.m. concert in the WHS gymnasium on Friday, May 20th.
First grade students learned about a beaver's environment, burrow, and dam in their science lesson. The D.I.Y. activity found them constructing and testing their own version of a dam with mud (chocolate frosting), leaves, sticks, and rocks.
JH Baseball will play in Warroad today, May 19th at 3 pm. 7th grade first and 8th to follow.
JV and Varsity Baseball will play at 4 pm today in Warroad at Stukel field.
Go Warriors!
The JV/V softball game in TRF vs Sacred Heart has been cancelled. They will be playing in Roseau today along with the JH girls. JH/JV will play at 2:30pm and Varsity will play at 3:00pm.
Congratulations to our high school, junior high, and the elementary on their band concerts!!!
While we continue to dial in some settings on our automated broadcasting equipment in the HS Gym, we understand the Grand March livestream on the NFHS Network was difficult to hear. We went ahead and edited the video and uploaded it to YouTube for everyone to view.
Warroad Band Concert tonight, Wednesday, May 18th in the HS GYM
5th and 6th grade and Junior High at 6 pm
High School at 7:30 pm
Rain or shine, the Lemonade Stand remains open today and tomorrow during elementary recess! Proceeds from this ADSIS sponsored activity will be given to the local HELPP organization.
Day #1 of the ADSIS Lemonade Stand at Warroad Elementary was successful! Proceeds from the Lemonade Stand will benefit the local HELPP organization.
Math Arcade Games designed by fifth grade students were enjoyed by second grade students. Game based learning was a hit!
ELC students in Miss Pam's class enjoyed sharing favorite songs and rhymes from the 21-22 school year today!
Watch the tonight's regular school board meeting live on YouTube. Meeting begins at 5:15pm.
Baseball game at Fosston tomorrow: The Varsity and 7th grade will play first at 4:30pm in Fosston. The JV and 8th grade will play after the Varsity and 7th grade respectively.
The JH golf meet today in Greenbush has been postponed.
Peer Partners were caught in action as first and sixth grade students and staff teamed to write Acrostic Name Poems today!